I must apologise for having been absent for the last 5days, it was the the Golden Week in Japan before that and I got a bit lazy the last weekend. Anyway, just to update, tonight (more like last night, since its now past 4am) was with my fav friend Ms. E. Her birthday was last month but I had been quite busy so could only celebrate with her tonight, yes several weeks later. But being Japanese, it was quite graciously accepted and perhaps no issues there, being abusy person herself...
Evening was spent at Old Vine, a Teppanyaki Restaurant opened by a sommelier from former L Vino wine bar in Roppongi. Yes, The "Roppongi" (yes the famous 六本木) that every gaijin knows or have heard about. Notwistanding her Japanese background, it was by her choice that we went Japanese, for once not the "preferred by ladies" French or Italian. Quite a break for me, actually, as most would opt for French or something foreign for dinner....
So had to ask her if she had any interesting stories or people she met since we last met but it was negative. So we talked about her recent life and work and everything else about her personal life.
Struck a raw nerve (from her facial expression) when I talked about a former Jap GF, wrong move. But then, that's the truth and it was not for making any point other than for conversational topic. But then it was quite revealing...of her undercurrents...Anyway, the pic above actualyy reflects my alcohol level (after a bottle of Yarra Burn Pinot Noir 2004 and several Amarettos), so here's a clearer recent pic of Ms.E...

But what the heck, sometimes its not such a bad thing to be honest and talk about your past. Perhaps now I know about what she really thinks or feels...perhaps? In any case, she got a nice bunch of flowers and a great partner for dinner and drinks, so no one should be an unhappy camper. In any case we promised to meet again soon, when we are both free (空き時間).
Good night Ms. E! Have a good rest...
happy belated birthday too ms e ... hope to make your acquaintance real soon
this lady works 12-15hour days, my friend...Calls it 生活 (livelihood!)
Who am I to argue?
ms e needs to take it easy and chill ...
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