Today went for a medical check at nearby hospital. Some blood was detected in the stool. A mild case of *haemorhoid* was diagnosed. Talk about pain in the arse! The Senpo (せんぽ)hospital in Minato-ku is really cool. Residents are issued a card (like credit card) and you go to a machine to register and select the genre (internal, external, etc) and then you put the printout with your data into a supplied plastic folder together with the card. You then pass it to the nurse at the appropriate section, she calls out your name a few minutes later and asks in front of all other waiting patients, exactly what your problem is. So now everyone in that hospital this morning knows that this bloke has got blood in his faeces or a pain the AR**.... How nice. I must say everyone put on a straight face, or at least pretend to.
The doctor had his finger up where the sun never shines and diagnosed a case of mild haemorhoids (4-5deg) and prescribed some suppositories supply for a month. This is the first time anyone's finger was up there. Now I know why people show the "finger". Suppository to be inserted once in the morning, and once in the evening. What a *PITA*.
FInally, payment is also made at the ATM like machine, insert your card and the amount comes up. It takes cash, credit card, coins down to ¥1. The whole cost me about US$70.