Ora Country Club is managed alongside Jeju Grand Hotel. It is only 10 minutes from Jeju International Airport, very conveniently situated in the Sin-Jeju area and easy to get to. Ora Country Club has a 36 hole course built under international standards. It has a pleasant atmosphere, is equipped with a variety of facilities for golfing enjoyment, and you can experience playing all year round.

Ora is a long course, almost 7,000 yards! It is also hilly, so presents quite a challenge on the long par 4s. I even had problem reaching in 2 cos the air is heavy (98% humidity) on the day of play. Below is a nice view of the course from the club house before we started.
Only managed 2 pars on this course course the greens are "obake" or haunted due to the slope of the Halla san. Did not listen to the caddy on putting line so gave away quite a few pars ...
how did you guys do on this course?
Not bad for me, a long hitter, but the fairway condition was poor...100 my score, was the lowest.
just once out of many ... don't be too harsh on yourself lah; when and where are you golfing again? hoepfully i can join you?
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