Dinner was with old friend H from Australia. In our grip are 2 tankards of Sapporo beer in a ハンバーグ (hamburgu) restarant in Shinagawa. H used to work in the same city when I was in Australia. Was a golf buddy as well as beer buddy.
After dinner it was off to Roppongi for a few Erdingers and Jagermeisters at Bernd's Bar, a German pub. Then it was over to the Legends Sports Bar across the street to watch F1 qualifying and Rugby. After that it was back to Bernd's for a few more swigs. Met a German chap there who owns a S2000 F20C...Shared some info with him on the car, especially the fastest NA S2000 in the world, the ASM Autobacs S2000.
Then it was home at 1am. Had an Umeishu nightcap and some Jazz music on the surround system before retiring. Got to wake up at 4:30am for golf tomorrow.
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