Monday, January 5, 2009

New stuff for the New Year

As in many places the world over, New Year is also a time for bargains. In Tokyo, New Year sales starts on 2Jan. Many good deals can be found in department stores in the form of 福袋 (fukubukuro) or lucky bag. Many items are bundled together and sold at steep discounts.
They usually sell out in the first 2-3days as many bargain hunters are abound. I got some new shirts (Lanvin!), ties, belt, shoes, socks etc for work, something I have not done for quite some time.
All the stuff were from either Mitsukoshi (三越)and Matsuya (松屋)。


Anonymous said...

heard about the 'bags' before, is it a 'surprise' or does one know what it contains?

J said...

if you talk to the sales person, they are usually kind enough to tell or show you the contents, cos they are worth every penny you there's nothing to hide really.