Today was spent with the family in Yokohama. Another rainy and overcast spring day. The streets were lined with vendors selling 肉まん (niku man), or meat buns as we know it. There are various types of meat buns, some include some フカヒレ (fukahire) or shark's fin, some have vegetables, some have bean paste and some have just pork.

Here's Chloe enjoying a 肉まん, supposedly the world number one ranked bun! Funny, how she ate it from the top, first bit a hole and expose the meat before devouring the meat first, then the rest of the skin.

Here's Chloe enjoying a 肉まん, supposedly the world number one ranked bun! Funny, how she ate it from the top, first bit a hole and expose the meat before devouring the meat first, then the rest of the skin.
The sign above is from above a shop in Chinatown. Looks quite funny, eh, the character on the left? It looks like a man squatting over something? Anyone who knows the meaning do explain...
This is the view from the ferries wheel from its highest point, almost.
Being spring, there must be flowers. Found some nice flowers for close up pics! Check them out. These white ones are just about 1cm across, taken from a distance of 5inches, with the 12-60mm Zuikor SWD lens. By the way, these are decorative potted flowers, in front of a shop, not wild ones.
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